Penile Cancer / Cancer of the Penis – Doctor and Condition
Penile cancer / cancer of the penis happens when cells abnormally grow on or inside the penis. Penile cancer / cancer of the penis usually begins in skin cells, but then can work its way inside the penis. Penile cancer is fairly rare, and is usually very treatable, especially if diagnosed early. Penile cancer is in various forms of skin cancer, including squamous cell or epidermoid carcinoma, which is as much as 95% of all penile cancers.
What causes penile cancer / cancer of the penis is not known, but some risk factors include having the human papillomavirus (HPV), being over age 60, being a smoker, having a weakened immune system, and not being circumcised (a thick buildup can collect under the foreskin leading to a skin condition that may assist the growth of cancer cells).
Penile Cancer / Cancer of the Penis Symptoms May Include:
- Changes in Skin Thickness
- Changes in Skin Color
- Rash or Small Bumps on the Penis
- Bluish-Brown Growths
- Lump on the Penis
- Foul-Smelling Discharge Under Foreskin
- A Sore on the Penis
- Swollen Penis
- Lumps Under Skin of the Groin
NOTE: These symptoms could also just be an infection or an allergic reaction, so have a doctor determine this.